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Fan, Jiani. “From an Enclosed Universe to the Cartesian Vortex – Pascal’s, La Fontaine’s, and Fontenelle’s Literary Representation of the Universe” in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, Vol.L, No.99, 2023, pp.229-325;

Fan, Jiani. “Friedrich Nietzsche’s Assessments of François de La Rochefoucauld’s Maxims through the Academic Sceptic Argumentative Method of pro and con and Syntactic Analysis,” Early Modern French Studies, Vol.45.2, 2023, pp.150-169;

Fan, Jiani. “From Libido Dominandi in Disguise to An Apologetic Device? Invention and Reinvention of Sweetness (Douceur) in La Rochefoucauld’s and Pascal’s works,” Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, Vol. XLVIII,95, 2021, pp.319-336;

Fan, Jiani. Encyclopedia entry on Michel Foucault’s « Qu’est-ce qu’un auteur? » [What is an Author?] in The Literary Encyclopedia (约3500字,主编为纽约大学副教授Kathrina LaPorta);

Fan, Jiani. Encyclopeida entry on La Rochefoucauld’s Réflexions ou sentences et maximes morales in The Literary Encyclopedia (约3500字,主编为剑桥大学教授Hugo Azérad);

Fan, Jiani. “Le vide dans la poésie du paysage de François Cheng et de Philippe Jaccottet,” dans Littératures et arts du vide, séries of the Colloque de Cerisy, France, Éditions Hermann, 2018, pp. 25-40 (in French);


Fan, Jiani. “Antiquity and Modernity at a Standstill – Interpreting Walter Benjamin’s Allegoric Image and Dialectic Image through Charles Baudelaire,” Cowrie: Comparative and World Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter, Vol.1, 2024 (forthcoming);

Fan, Jiani. “Psychology as a First Principle? Self-love and The Will to Power in La Rochefoucauld and Nietzsche,” The European Legacy, Vol. 29.1, 2024, pp.51-69;

Fan, Jiani. “Friedrich Nietzsche and Blaise Pascal on Skepticisms and Honesty,” History of European Ideas, Vol. 49.7,2023, pp.1085-1104;

Fan, Jiani. « La Stimmung du paysage dans l’esthétique allemande et les concepts esthétiques chez Wang Fuzhi et Wang Guowei», Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 71:2,pp.437-452 (in French) ;

Fan, Jiani. “Redeemed from Skepticism --- Nietzsche’s revaluation of ancient Skeptics’ truth investigation (ζητϵῖν) and philosophy of life (ἀταραξία),” Comparative and Continental Philosophy, 2021, Vol. 13, No.2, pp.142-52;

Fan, Jiani. “Images of Mind, Images of God---Mirror as Metaphor in Chinese Buddhism and Early Mysticism (focuses on Meister Eckhart and Diego Velázquez’s painting),” Buddhist-Christian Studies, 2018, Vol.38, pp.173-185;

Fan, Jiani. “‘Being-towards-Death’: A Comparative Study on Attitudes towards Death in Europe (focuses on Heidegger and Arnold Böcklin’s paintings) and in China,” published in European Journal of Sinology, special volume1, 2014, pp.183-206.


Fan, Jiani. “Saint Augustine’s Confessions and Speech Acts” in Studia Patristica (Vol. CXVIII - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019). Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2021, pp. 131-146.

2.重要学术会议 (摘选)

“Friedrich Nietzsche’s Assessments of François de La Rochefoucauld’s Maxims through the Academic Sceptic Argumentative Method of pro and con and Syntactic Analysis,” The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Tsinghua University, 2022, invited talk.

“Invention and Reinvention of Sweetness (Douceur): from Guez de Balzac to La Rochefoucauld and Pascal" in the MLA 2022 guaranteed panel on “How the French 17th-Century Invented (or Not).” (wrote the paper, but the panel has been cancelled one week before the conference due to the COVID);

“Trace et ji: symptômes des ruines paysagères françaises et chinoises,” 61th annual conference of The British Society for French Studies, 2021(in French);

“Trahit sua quemque voluptas? Nietzsche’s assessment of La Rochefoucauld and Helvetius’s self-love and pleasure,” in the annual conference of NASSCFL, 2021;

“Ridentem dicere verum quid vetat? --- Unmasking Seneca in François de La Rochefoucauld’s Maximes,” Society of Classical Studies, 2021;

“Antiquity and Modernity at a Standstill --- Analysis of Walter Benjamin’s Allegoric image and Dialectic image through Charles Baudelaire,” University of London, School of Advanced Studies 2019;Chair of the section 3 of the Conference Walter Benjamin et le XIXe siècle aujourd’hui;

“Conversation as a Therapy of Desire: Pascal’s Cosmo-theological Dialogue with a Libertin (fragment Lafuma 201 / Sellier 233),” in 38th Annual Conference of Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth-Century Studies, 2019;

“Augustine and Speech Act” in XVIII International Conference on Patristic Studies in Oxford University, 2019;

“An Augustinian Humanism? --- On Francesco Petrarch’s “The Ascent of Mount Ventoux” the 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 2019;

“From Epicurean liberum arbitrium to Fideist Revelation: Montaigne’s vision about free will and natural law,” Renaissance Society of America, Toronto, 2019;

“A Modern Cynic’s Parrhesia in the Public Sphere of Enlightenment: The Dialogue and Pantomime in Rameau’s Nephew,” CSECS, Niagara Falls, 2018;

“Le vide dans la poésie du paysage de François Cheng et de Philippe Jaccottet” dans le Colloque international “Littératures et arts du vide.” Cerisy-la-Salle, France, 2017 (in French);

Translate from ancient Greek into English and present a section of Aristotle’s Physics in ancient philosophy reading group with scholars from Princeton University and Greek scholars in Syros, Greece, 2017;

Chair of the Panel “Lieux, Milieux et Injustice(s) de Mémoire” in Princeton Comparative Literature Department Annual Conference “Aesthetic Afterlives,” 2016;

“La visibilité de l’invisible : À La Recherche du temps perdu et les peintures impressionnistes,” Equinoxes conference “Intermediality,” the French Department of Brown University (in French), 2016 ;

“The potential of obscurity--the sublime landscape in Taoist aesthetics and Victor Hugo's trans-media creation” in The American Comparative Literature Association’s Annual Meeting, 2015;

«La Stimmung romantique et le sentiment-paysage (情景) dans l’esthétique classique chinoise, » « Notions esthétiques : la perception sensible organisée » conference organised the Sorbonne, the Sorbonne nouvelle and the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, 2014 ;

“‘Being- Towards- Death’: A Comparative Study on Attitudes Towards Death in Europe and China,” conference on “China and Europe,” University of Rome III, 2014;

“On the Road to Beatitude: “Westerns’ Spiritual Inspiration from Asian Culture in The Dharma Bums,” conference on “Marginalized Mainstream,” University College of London, 2013.



研究尼采对辛普利修评注的爱比克泰德《手册》Nietzsche’s reading of and commentary on Simplicius. Kommentar zu Epiktetos Handbuch (Wien, 1867) 1887的注疏和批评;该研究项目是“尼采的个人图书馆-数字版和哲学述评”研究项目的子项目,由德国科学基金会(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)和法国国家科研署(Agence Nationale de La Recherche)资助。

获奖情况 (摘选)

魏玛尼采档案馆研究基金 (2022&2024年两次获得)、约瑟芬•德•卡曼博士论文奖学金(2020-2021年,该奖学金只从全美所有排名靠前大学的400多名申请者中授予5位获奖者,包括人文社科和理工科的学生)、劳伦斯•洛克菲勒人类价值研究中心博士研究生奖学金(全校每年十位获奖者)、劳伦斯•洛克菲勒人类价值研究中心夏季研究资助、Stavros Niarchos基金会奖学金、北美教父研究学会奖学金、加拿大十八世纪研究学会奖学金、Floyd L. Moreland基金会奖学金、宗教研究中心研究奖、普林斯顿大学人类价值研究中心研究基金、巴黎高等师范学校全奖奖学金(Pensionnaire Étrangère Fellowship,两次获得,两次拒绝)、普林斯顿大学犹太研究中心研究基金、普林斯顿大学晚期古代研究委员会研究基金、普林斯顿大学研究生院院长学术交流基金、普林斯顿大学Seeger希腊研究中心奖学金和荣誉奖、普林斯顿大学约瑟夫•克罗夫特* 73奖学金、普林斯顿大学国际和地区事务中心(PIIRS)研究基金、普林斯顿大学比较文学系会议专项基金、普林斯顿大学博士项目全额奖学金等。


2022 合作组织并邀请了该领域全球最杰出的一些专家“Comparative Mysticisms”会议 (Sponsored by Princeton University) https://comparativemysticisms.wordpress.com

2022 合作组织并邀请了该领域全球最杰出的一些专家 “Antiquity in Early Modern France: Forms, Ideas, Media”会议 (Sponsored by Princeton University) https://antiquityemfrance.wordpress.com/

2020-2021 合作组织并邀请了该领域全球最杰出的一些专家 “Receptions of Latin Literature,” Princeton IHUM monthly meeting (sponsored by PrincetonU)


2020 合作组织并邀请了该领域全球最杰出的一些专家 “Receptions of Latin Literature- Seneca the Younger,” Princeton IHUM monthly meeting, (sponsored by Princeton University) https://ihum.princeton.edu/reading-groups/receptions-latin-literature







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